DofE Online Drop In

If you're an adult looking for guidance on how to support girls with their Duke of Edinburgh's Award, join one of our bi-monthly online drop ins with Jo, our Region DofE Adviser.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) is open to girls and young women aged 14 to 24 or aged 13 and in the school year they turn 14. It fits in closely with many of the other awards and qualifications available to young people through guiding, in particular the Queen’s Guide award. There are three progressive levels of the award - Bronze, Silver and Gold - that vary in length and commitment.

If you are interested to offer DofE to your young members and want to find out how to get started or if you already offer the DofE award but need some support, you can join this online meetup to say hi, ask a question or get some help. The session will be hosted by Jo, Region DofE Adviser.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 895 1859 4532
Passcode: DofEDropin

If you have any questions or queries, please contact

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