Ahead of Parliament Week, 7th Cheam Guides and Cheam Village Rangers have been involved in several local government activities for LaSER's Parliament Week Badge!
'This was an amazing opportunity to understand the role of the Mayor and to see the outfit and mace used for important ceremonies. I am really glad we were able to do this!' Jemima 10 (7th Cheam Guides)
In May, six girls provided a Guard of Honour at the Mayor-Making Ceremony for the newly-elected Mayor of Sutton, Councillor Muhammad Sadiq. The Guides were later invited by the Mayor to visit his offices at Sutton Civic Centre. The Mayor talked about his role and responsibilities. He explained to the Guides that his duties include supporting local charities, representing Sutton at local events and getting involved in community projects. He also chairs Council Meetings.
During the visit the Guides also met the Mayor’s wife, his Deputy and his Mace-Bearer and had the chance to hold the ceremonial mace, and to try on the Mayor’s robes and hat. They were provided with delicious refreshments and, at the end of the visit, they were each given a pin-on Sutton badge, and Lucy, our newest Guide, was presented with her tenth birthday badge by the Mayor!
'I found the trip to the Mayor really interesting and factual and we learnt how different types of clothing and hats are worn for different occasions. I didn’t realise how many different places a Mayor has to go to!' Annie 12 (7th Cheam Guides)
In early November, the Rangers were invited to attend a Council Meeting, chaired by the Mayor. They listened to questions from members of the public on local issues including transport, education, building works and recycling, and debates between the parties, which at times got quite heated. The Rangers were very interested, and surprised, by how the process works and how decisions are made. After the meeting, the Rangers talked to a representative of the Royal British Legion about the Poppy Appeal, and they agreed to help out next year with selling Remembrance poppies and taking part in a Remembrance Parade in Sutton.
'I really enjoyed the Council Meeting. I definitely learnt a lot about how Councils are run and how this affects everything else. It was interesting to see the problems discussed and the solutions they came up with.' Sara 14 (Cheam Village Rangers)
If you'd like to earn our FREE Parliament Week badge then all you need to do is get your unit during Parliament Week, 16 - 22 November 2015! For more details please see here.
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