Girlguiding Worthing Cissbury division Rangers have been celebrating Vote 100 year using the funding they successfully applied for from the Women's Vote Centenary Grant Scheme. This is their final event of the year - a residential weekend!
A Vote 100 residential weekend
Written by Worthing Cissbury division
We spent much of the Saturday making Vote 100 scrapbooks, which the Rangers would take back to their units. The Rangers really threw themselves into the task and it was great to see them sharing their expertise and advice with each other. It was fascinating watching them get to grips with the Sizzix machine to create interesting backgrounds for their work!
It was a great opportunity for everyone, it was a very open and calm atmosphere.
— Lucy, Ranger
Some of the things the Rangers learned include the fact that the first leaflet for women's rights was released in 1847 and that Emily Davis got a place at the Royal College. The Rangers also said they had learned "new things about the hunger strikers" and about "the oppression of women who continue to speak out."
We then held our afternoon tea party, with help from the Equaliteas pack from UK Parliament. We had invited some guests and had some very thought-provoking discussions about equality and diversity, both then and now.
I enjoyed this weekend because it gave me a chance to question and justify my opinions.
— Anna, Ranger
We then had another craft session, followed by a campfire with caramel s’mores, where we evaluated the day’s events.
I really liked this weekend, I was more social and I talked to people, it was really fun.
— Jodie, Ranger
The feedback from the girls on the weekend was amazing and fulfilled all the aims and objectives we had from our Women’s Centenary Fund grant. Interestingly, the only criticism of the weekend from the girls was that there was too much food! Their favourite things about the weekend were "having the freedom to express creativity and opinions", "scrapbooking" and "learning new things".
The weekend was amazing and I learnt lots about women who sacrificed so much for us.
— Michelle, Ranger