Get creative with The Hive's Buzzing About Wildflowers mobile photography pack!

Written by Izzy Attwood

From selfies to landscapes, food snaps to wildlife, many of us love taking a photo.

In March 2019, The Hive led a photography workshop at Kew Gardens, giving members tips and tricks to take better photos, with a focus on wildflowers and natural subjects. We got to explore the beautiful Orchid Festival and put our new photo skills to the test in the historic gardens. This event was possible thanks to funding from Grow Wild, which provides youth funding for projects promoting UK wildflowers. You can read more about our tips for applying for youth funding here.

We hope that this pack will inspire you to take new and unique images of wildflowers around the region and help showcase why they are so important. After attending the workshop, Alexia was inspired to look for wildflowers on a springtime walk. Take a look at what she found here.

See some of the photos from the mobile photography workshop in the gallery below and watch a video with more shots from the day on our Facebook page here!

Now we want to share what we picked up on the day so you can have a go! We've gathered every tip, trick, angle and creative shot we covered in the workshop and put it in this beautiful, colourful pack, which you can download below:

Download The Hive's Buzzing about Wildflowers mobile photography pack

Whether it's filling the frame or negative space, macro photography or leading lines, we've filled this pack with all the basics you'll need to get your photos to the next level.

And don't worry - as these are all composition techniques you don't need a fancy camera to have a go. In fact, we've themed the pack around mobile phone photography to make it as accessible as possible. If you don't have a device you want to use, why not team up with some friends or your unit and share a device to see what kinds of creative shots you can get together!

We'd love it if you downloaded this pack and tried out some of the techniques. When you do, not only will you find our photography tips but you'll be introduced to the wonderful world of toy photography, which we'll have a blog about soon! It only sounds strange until you give it a go - even some of the participants at the workshop tried it out!

We're really excited to launch our Buzzing About Wildflowers mobile photography pack and we hope you have fun getting creative!

Used some tips from the pack to take a picture you're proud of? We'd love to see it! Share it with The Hive on Facebook or Instagram, or with Girlguiding LaSER. Look out for some creative photo competitions coming soon from The Hive, where you could win photography accessories to get even more up close and personal with your photos.

(Bonus points if you can spot my cat Robin in the pack, who became a willing photography subject!)

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